The CHOICE is ours to make without conditions, demands, preconceived notions or unreasonable expectations! "Past is HISTORY, Tomorrow is Mystery and Today is a GIFT, and that's why it's called Present! I feel like we are looking for relationships in all the wrong places..... Perhaps there is a glimpse of hope given the way of life in this NEW WORLD of ours, this place could work out for 2% of us (1% for you and 1% for me....LOL!) This is a two-way street with a 3-way signal light (wish for a GREEN light for all of us).... Don't you think it is what we make it to be with the help of mother nature and our CHEMISTRIES?.... It is 99% up to us to make it work..... "just the two of us!" There is time to play, time to laugh, time to be serious, time to sing and dance, but no time like RIGHT NOW to find our BEST match. Yes, it is risky and time-consuming, & all of us on this site can attest to that. But we still hope to fine that special "ONE" kind-hearted, respectful, trustworthy, honest, romantic, loving and caring match with a great sense of humor to make us excited and laugh again! Best of luck to all of us and thank you for taking the time to read my profile. We have taken the first step. Please knock so I can open the door. We could at least have a cup of tea or coffee and laugh a little. The rest could turnout to be the BEST for both of us and our families.... They say, "the best things happen to people who wait" and "the best things in life are worth waiting for"...FN