من ایرانی الاصل نیستم، اما یک مسیحی ارتدوکس هستم و بدم نمی آید یک دختر ایرانی مقیم خارج از کشور پیدا کنم تا با او در خارج از کشور مستقر شوم. I believe that the best way of understanding each other is through direct conversation. So, if you are a talkative girl and want to explore things which you think we might have in common, you can start sending message and introducing yourself first. (I strongly prefer this way mostly because of my experience on this site). I do agree that the idea of marriage is a commitment/love between two persons that should be cherished. Please, don’t reach me if you have too many connections or favorites over here or there, as it will be a waste of time and mostly your mind will not set on anyone, leaving you uncertain, doubtful, or even hopeless.