Hey-lo to whoverz readin diz and tryin to understand wut type of person i am by the few lines i type out here... well to start of with i'm HunK.....wont type stuff about how im an "enigma" and how people cant understand me nd blah blah...i'm quite a simple guy who likes makin interesting friends and loves to have a gud tym with them....i've been told dat i can sumtyms be super sarcastic nd funny....i take that as a compliment frm mah frnds coz i "trust" their judgement a lot .. my motto in lyf iz DuN Take life TOO SeRiOuSlY....Ur Not GoNNa cum OuT ALIVE NeWay so for me living life is all about trying everything i possibly can coz im gonna live only once and i want those memories to last me a lyftym..