I shall express myself as a quickest, but the laziest of the boys, who was born in one of the most fateful summer's evenings of all time in 1980's at Malihabad, in Lucknow. I have an affinity towards languages and look forward to learning BeNgali, TaMil , MaRathi, ARaBiC, GerMan and FreNch, I know that's quite a lot but then I have plans to travel around INDia and then around the world, someday :) I have always loved interacting with people across the globe... I love learning new things, skills, spreading smiles and would not change myself for anyone. Rather proud of who I am than why I am;) Do not misinterpret this sentence as I'm a pretty humble person who openly appreciates what I like in others i.e. I am straightforward and talk from my heart. I can be a good listener as well as a speaker depending upon my mood. I really appreciate a sense of humour in people....o' what a hard and poor life without it! As i say and think so. My dream is to touch lives and spread positivity, though I am still working on discovering my true purpose in life. I love reading books on psychology, as I like to understand myself and others better. So from what I am told .. I am Gay[the old-fashioned one], Witty, a keen observer of people and perceptive. Now, whether it's true or not is something you can tell me. Yes, i think, i'm not really very-very ugly but good humored, sensible and a cheerleader for my friends. As they say and think so. Thanks!