I am a biologist, science and research lover. So a lifetime learner. I'm a well- balanced imperfect woman and not planning to become a perfect one. I think we choese not randomly each other. We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious. The only difference between an "authentic" relationship and an "inauthentic" one is partners in authentic relationship don't wait 10 years to talk about what's really going on (bryan R). از زندگی آموختم از آدمها بت نسازم آموختم تلافی کردن از انرژی خودم میکاهد آموختم تا با کفش کسی راه نرفتم راه رفتنش را قضاوت نکنم آموختم به بودن ها دیر عادت کنم و به نبودن ها زود